The standard day rate for Little Nick Ewell is £76.50
The standard HALF day rate for Little Nick Ewell is £38.25
Fees 2023
Full Day Rate * | 8.00am – 5.00pm | £76.50 |
Half Day Rate | 8.00am – 12.00pm | £38.25 |
Half Day Rate | 1.00pm – 5.00pm | £38.25 |
* A 5% discount will be applied for 5 days at the Full Day Rate (excluding additional hours)
Additional Hours
Lunch Session (inc Food) | 12.00pm – 1.00pm | £10.50 |
Late Session (Tues – Thurs only) | 5.00pm – 6.00pm | £9.50 |
Your fees are calculated on a day rate, and therefore, your monthly invoice will fluctuate depending on the days your child attends the setting and the number of days in a month.
Your invoice will be issued 10 days before the start of the following month.
Your fees must be paid before the 1st of every month for the upcoming month.
You can be added to a nursery waiting list free of charge. To secure your space when one becomes available, we require a non-refundable £100 registration fee.
In addition a £200 deposit will be applied, which will be deducted from your first month’s fees.
Funding is calculated on a 38-week year (term time).
Those receiving funding will be charged a voluntary supplement to help cover food and resources.
The cost of this supplement is:
Daily Supplement | £ 12.00 |
Half Daily Supplement | £ 6.00 |